Mould Solutions

Prevent mould and condensation

If you have properly installed exhaust fans in your bathroom, kitchen and laundry, and you regularly open the windows and doors to air your home – and yet you still can’t eliminate mould, it might be time for a home airflow and ventilation check.

The problem with mould

Mould thrives in damp, dark and poorly ventilated conditions. As well as being unpleasant to smell and unsightly in appearance, mould can also lead to a number of serious health issues, including asthma, eye irritation, dermatitis, chronic cough, headache and sinus.

For homeowners, one of the key problems with mould is that it can grow for a long time before being noticed. Left to its own devices, mould can cause significant property damage. Fortunately, the effects of mould on building materials can be significantly reduced or prevented by controlling moisture, or condensation, which is at the heart of every mould issue.

How can mould be eliminated?

Effective airflow and ventilation are the secrets to controlling mould-causing moisture. Sydney Subfloor Ventilation is expert at improving air quality, eliminating damp odours and eradicating mould trouble spots. We custom design ventilation systems for properties of all types and sizes to give people peace of mind and a healthier standard of living.

Protect your home and family today

If your home has a problem with mould and condensation, don’t delay; get in touch with Sydney Subfloor Ventilation today to arrange a no-obligation inspection of your home.